Guiding Words for 2023 - Refresh

The new year is a good time to start fresh…although there is really nothing magical about January1st, it is a good starting point and delineation between what we are doing and what we want to do.

Why Choose a word for the Year

Choosing a guiding word is not a new concept but I find it helpful to focus on a feeling or idea that permeates most everything I’m working on for that year. Last year my word was DELIGHT and I found that it focused my attention and how I viewed the world.

“The word will guide you throughout the year and even if you forget about it from time to time, subconsciously you’ll discover resources or tools to bring it into your life more than the year before”. ~ Mountain Modern Life

I’ve chosen two guiding words for 2023 and they are:

This post will focus on REFRESH and I will talk about CULTIVATE in a future blog.

Why Refresh?

We often think that we need to recreate every thing in our lives…especially at the beginning of a new year.

 But…not everything is broken! If we examine things in a different way, we will find that somethings just need to be tweaked, straightened, modified, or simply put…REFRESHED! That is how I feel about 2023!

This year, we can examine with gratitude all the good things that are happening in our lives and work to make them even better!

How do we define refresh?

Give new strength or energy to: reinvigorate

Synonyms: rejuvenate, renew, renovate, restore…to make like new again

Ideas to refresh yourself today!

Take a walk

Make something with your hands

Drink a glass of water


Call a friend

Eat something healthy

Take a nap

Does the word refresh resinate with you? if yes…we can inspire each other. If no…that’s okay and you will find a list of other words that may fit better!

Here is a list of 250 words from

If you are struggling to choose a word for 2023 pop over here for guidance!

Let me know what you choose in the comments below!

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