Snow in April...Weathering the Storm

“Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.” John Ruskin

I’m not sure I currently agree with John Ruskin and his idea about good and bad weather…especially when my heart, mind, and garden were set on Spring!

The trees and flowers were blooming. The garden was starting to take shape and the patio pots were planted and ready for summer.

And then it SNOWED…a lot…in fact it was the most snow recorded for April, in Vancouver, since 1940!

April was like this….

and this….

this too…

the garden was growing…

we had blue skies…blooms in the trees…

and planted patio pots….

and then this happened! Mother Nature’s belated April Fools joke!

Five inches of very wet…very heavy snow fell during the night…

crushing all the new plant-lings with a heavy white blanket…

it was beautiful…but…

it created a lot of damage…

but…nature is resilient….

Spring will come again…

…and we are more than ready!

Ripple Cotton Napkins Ripple Cotton Napkins Ripple Cotton Napkins Ripple Cotton Napkins Ripple Cotton Napkins Ripple Cotton Napkins Ripple Cotton Napkins Ripple Cotton Napkins Ripple Cotton Napkins Ripple Cotton Napkins Ripple Cotton Napkins Ripple Cotton Napkins Ripple Cotton Napkins Ripple Cotton Napkins
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