5 Things to do in Christchurch that are Absolutely Free!

Christchurch is a vibrant city on the south island of New Zealand. We spent our last week in New Zealand exploring the city and found it’s rich history and modern touches very interesting. The city offers a nice mix of adventure, culture, and relaxation.

Here are 5 activities that I would recommend and they are absolutely FREE!

1) Visit the Art Gallery

The Christchurch Art Gallery is a treat for your senses. The architecture of the building is just the beginning of the experience.

The light fixture above the grand staircase is made with school desk chairs and tube lights.

There is currently a linocut exhibit at the gallery highlighting Sybil Andrews work as well as other blockprinters from the 1930’s.

The video about Sybil’s life was very inspiring. She was an influential female artist and created a new style of poster art using linocut printing.

It is always fun to discover a new artist…especially in a medium you have a deep connection to!

Also on exhibit in the gallery was this piece by Buck Nin. “Buck Nin was an artist, educator, and curator who was at the forefront of the Māori art movement in the 1960s.

Being Māori-Chinese, he was also one of the first Asian artists active in the New Zealand art scene in the 20th century. Through his work, Nin contributed to the revitalisation and promotion of Māori art practice in museums, art galleries, and the education system.” ~Satellites.co.nz

2) Wander through the Library

The architecture and sculptures in this library are stunning. The staircase rises 4 stories!

You will find super cool light fixtures…

a wood tree…

and numerous sculptures throughout the building.

If you take the stairs to the fourth floor you can step out on the balcony and see the earthquake restoration being done on the museum.

3) Stroll through the Art Center Area

Watch for murals!

And visit the Art Center Market on Saturdays!

4) Tour the Botanic Gardens

The Botanic Gardens are located in the heart of the city. They cover 21 hectares (about 51 acres) of property.

The friends of the Botanical Gardens offer free walking tours each day at 1:30 between October and April. Each tour has a specific topic and they vary each day. You can find the schedule here.

In the garden…you can have a picnic, spend time at the kids pool area, watch the birds…

…and take a boat ride on the river.

There is a rose garden…

…a dahlia garden, an herb garden, a daffodil garden…

and a wildflower garden just to name a few!

Our walking tour topic highlighted different tree species that are in the garden. It was fascinating to learn how old they are and where they came from!

5) Hike Godley Loop Trail from Taylor’s Mistake Bay

This trailhead is located at Taylor’s Mistake Bay about 30 minutes from Christchurch town center. The last part of the road to the beach is very windy and in places only one lane. But the hike is well worth the drive.

The hike is a 6 miles loop trail with some elevation gain in the middle. It is mostly coastal so you can see for miles across the pacific ocean.

Bring a swimsuit for a dip in the water after the hike! You can also watch the surfers catch waves in the bay.

On this hike you will see wildflowers, a military bunker, and if it’s a clear day you can see the Kaikoura mountains in the distance.

The terrain does not provide shade so be sure to take water and weather gear!

The trail is a gravel path that is well maintained. It can be a very popular place on the weekends so if you want a bit of solitude, plan to hike on a weekday!

Beach Bar, Sumner

Beach Bar, Sumner

Stop in Sumner on the way back to Christchurch for food and drinks. There are lots of good restaurants in that area as well as an Esplanade for a stroll on the beach!

Bonus Activity!

6)Eat Dinner at Riverside Market!

Riverside Market is an indoor food market in downtown Christchurch. Order from one of many booths and then take your food outside or to the covered area upstairs to enjoy!

Whether you're strolling through lush gardens, exploring street art, or soaking in coastal views, Christchurch is worth a visit if you are in the area!

Deb SpoffordComment