Mill Creek Ridge Natural Area Hike and Wildflowers

We recently had an opportunity hike the Mill Creek Ridge trail to see the Spring wildflowers and Oh My Goodness…


The hike was organized by the Columbia Land Trust . Their organization was instrumental in conserving the area for nature. The trail is located outside The Dalles in Oregon and is open to the public.


The trail has a gradual elevation rise from the trail head to the ridge. It leads you through an oak forest along the way.

Lupine and Balsamroot

The oak trees are 100-200 years old and provide an amazing amount of ecological benefits to the area.


When you reach the ridge you will be rewarded with a views of…

Mt. Hood…

…and Mt. Adams. Further along the trail you will also have a view of the Columbia River.

Columbia Desert Parsley after bloom

Our hiking party included many land trust staff and enthusiasts who are experts in botany, bee, and bird species. They identified many of the flowers and plants that we found along the trail.

Shaggy Hawkweed

Largehead Clover

Burr Chervil

As part of the ongoing conservation project in this area, fences have been deconstructed and rolls of barbwire are being removed. This will allow wildlife to roam freely!

If you are in the Pacific Northwest I highly recommend this hike for wildflowers in the Spring!

Thanks for joining us on this adventure Nina and Ray!

Note: The Columbia Land Trust hosts many events like this during the year. If you would like more information about their mission or events you will find it here!

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