May Flower and Vegetable Garden Tour

In the Flower Garden

After a very wet and cold Spring the garden is finally starting to take shape. During May, the vegetation enjoyed a combination of sun and rain…often at the same time!

Come along on the tour and see what’s new!

Several different allium varieties made their debut in the side garden this week!

I always wonder if a bulb will actually appear after its been planted in the ground…what a joy it is to see them poke their heads out of the dirt and then bloom!

This is one of my new favorite plants…okay…I actually have lots of favorites!

This is the second year for the Centaurea Montana and I am very pleased with its performance! It is a prolific bloomer with firework style flowers. It’s a spreader so make sure you plant it with that in mind!

Clematis climbers!

Lupine are native to our area and they are very impressive this year!

All of these were planted from seed about three years ago. Looks like they have settled into their environment and are very happy!

Spanish Lavender

This Kousa dogwood grows leaves before it blooms.

“The white "petals" aren’t actually petals at all. They are modified leaves called bracts that surround the small greenish yellow flowers. This tree is considered both a flowering tree and an ornamental tree.”

Angel wings and red lettuce are living together in large pots on the patio. I absolutely love the contrast of color here!

Also in the patio pots…purple heuchera and lettuce.

Money plant is blooming again and look at all those pods! If only they really were silver dollars!


Anxiously waiting for the peonies to pop! There are 5 plants…I added one with white blooms this year!

Poker Primrose

This was a total surprise pop up plant! Am I the only one that forgets what they planted?

Japanese maple and sedum.

Mixed greens in pots.

Red Geum

This is a great plant for adding a pop of color to your garden or flower arrangements! It will bloom all summer if you cut the blooms often.

Mushrooms are also enjoying our wet Spring!

In the Veggie Garden

The seedlings are continuing to grow. Many of these will be planted in flower beds and then harvested for our daughters September wedding.

After a slow start…the veggie garden is starting to look like it will produce vegetables!

Red Cabbage

Cilantro Seedlings

Swiss chard, lettuce, mustard greens, purple beans and fennel.

If you enjoyed the garden tour please share it with a friend!

Happy gardening!

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