Made on 23rd

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Delightful Word for 2022 and Winter Wonderland

Choosing an Inspiring Word for 2022

I wrote about the word delight in a blog post in 2020…it involved a tomato plant on an airplane and a book titled The book of delights. You can read the post here if you are intrigued.

My favorite definition for the word DELIGHT is still…An Explosion of Joy!

What causes an explosion of joy in your life?

If I made a list…it would include holding hands with our 2 year old grandson Otto as we walk out to the garden. For me…that is SHEER deep down in my soul DELIGHT! I want more of that in 2022!

Part of experiencing delight is recognizing it when it happens…looking for those moments and savoring them…so…I am choosing delight as one of my “guiding” words for 2022.

In this post I am sharing images for the sheer delight of it…a feast for the eyes…winter snow and all the beauty mother nature creates…

Contrast of sunlight and snow…and those colors!

Shadows and light.

Blankets of white

Inviting spaces that sparkle

Tiny crystals

Red holly berries

Twigs and ladders and ice

Peaceful stillness

I hope you enjoyed taking the winter wonderland tour! Our snow has gone and it was replaced by weeks of rain…I’m not finding much delight it that…lol…except…I love listening to the sound when I wake up in the night.

What’s on your list of delights today?

“Kindness is like snow. It Beautifies everything it covers”. ~ Kahlil Gibran