Valentine Ideas in Paper and Felt


"I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, 'Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.'"- Lewis Carroll

Happy January!

Sleepy winter mornings are simply the best! Especially on the weekends when we are not in a hurry. It's very tempting to stay inside and snuggle under a blanket when the ground is covered with frost or snow. Rest is necessary...that is the rhythm of the season...take a minute to breath...have a cup of tea...and when you are rested...go outside and observe the beautiful magic of winter!


"You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way! " ~ Dr. Seuss


Frosty mornings….

walks in the forest…


observing nature…


covered with sparkly diamonds


preparing for Spring…

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blooming in winter…

pink vase camilias.madeon23rd.21200800.jpg

discovering colorful sprouts in unexpected places.

Valentine Cards

In our last newsletter we shared a list of 10 Fun Things to do in January.

This was #4!

Fill a basket with DIY Valentine Card supplies. Gather ribbons, glue, scissors, paper, lace, heart stickers, envelopes and markers. Make old fashioned Valentine cards. Note: this is a great activity for Zoom with Friends!

Here is a little visual inspiration to get your started!


Collect supplies and keep them in a basket on your desk. When you have a few extra minutes...make a card!


Simple designs are quick and easy...We found lots of inspiration on pinterest!

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Ribbon storage tip: Place ribbons in see-through drawstring bags. This will keep them from tangling and make it easy to find what you are looking for!

Store the ribbon bags in bins by color.


You may decide to keep a basket of card supplies on your desk all year!

Don't forget to add stamps to your basket!

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Here are a few examples of Valentine/Love themed stamps you can buy online if you are in the United States!


You can also search by artist...these were a Christmas gift from my girls in Alaska! Aren't they gorgeous!

Felt Hearts

Need an evening project while you are sitting by the fire? Maybe these puffy felt hearts will inspire you!

felt Valentine

For each heart, cut two identical shapes from felt and embroidery swirls and flowers on the front piece.

felt Valentine
felt Valentine

You can find small paper-ish flowers in the scrapbook section of your craft store. Stitch them to your heart with a french knot. It's an easy way to add dimension and interest to your embroidery design.

felt Valentine

When your design is complete...stitch the front and back hearts together with a blanket stitch and stuff them with poly batting or dried lavender before you close the seam.

You can find our free embroidery stitch guide here.

In the Kitchen

If you want a simple appetizer for happy hour just open a jar of fruit chutney and spoon it over a slice of cream cheese! It looks fancy but only takes a minute to prepare. Serve with your favorite beet or pita crackers.

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You can make your own chutney or when it is safe to travel again watch for locally made makes a great souvenir that you can enjoy when you return home.

Plum Chutney Recipe

You can find our favorite Plum Chutney recipe here.

Featured Products

It's all about the BLUES.. light blue, summer blue, navy blue, and indigo blue.

blue linen napkins, chutney, sill life.madeon23rd.21200800.jpg

New color for 2021!
Shadow Grey
It is the perfect blend of purple, grey, and blush!

Linen napkins.springcolors.madeon23rd.png

Choose your favorite colors for ribbons, napkins, throws, or table runners!

linen color swatch.madeon23rd.png



If you are interested in Zoom style workshops or On-demand workshops, please let me know at and I will add you to our growing list.

A Note From Deb


Good morning!

During the holidays we usually have a puzzle under construction on our dining room table. This year however it has been an "all year" activity. Can you guess what city is currently being "puzzled?".

Friends in our "bubble" are beginning to get the vaccine! We are way down the priority list but it gives me hope that this pandemic will soon

be in the past and we can all gather and travel again!

Until next time!


Deb SpoffordComment