Dogwoods, Gardening, Delight, and Pancakes
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..and into the garden I go to lose my mind
and find my soul

~ a variation of a quote by John Muir

Good Morning,

I'm just popping in to offer a little inspiration, a fun recipe for leftover pancakes, and a few picnic images to "take you away"....

Grab a cup of coffee...or tea...find a quiet place to sit (or hide)...and treat yourself to a few minutes of DELIGHT!

Can you articulate how you feel when you are delighted? I read one definition of delight EXPLOSION of joy! I think it is even bigger and deeper than joy and found in very simple experiences. 

I listened to a podcast interview of Ross Gay, the author of The Book of Delights. In the interview he described carrying a small potted tomato seedling through an airport and onto a plane. People smiled at him, asked about the plant as if it was a small child, and seemed to be truly delighted that he had a tomato plant as a companion. Who would have guessed that a tiny plant would cause such delight? 

Make a quick list of 6 things that DELIGHTED you this week?  Don't think too hard....just write down the first six things that pop into your head. Then...make a note to watch for 6 more things that delight you today! 

Dogwoods and a Picnic

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I am delighted and inspired by the creativity that I see happening around the world during this time of isolation.

dogwoods, tea table, vinyette, strawberries, vintage, pincnic, madeon23rd.blog2_1200.jpg

Families are using their imaginations to create special events in their backyards, cute and functional classrooms in their dining rooms, movie theaters under blanket tented tables, fancy date nights through social media, and even an outdoor library where grandparents can visit their baby grands with social distancing.

It all starts with imagination….

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This is an excerpt from our bi-monthly newsletter. It is full of inspiring ideas, beautiful photographs, recipe ideas for leftover pancakes, and much more!

Read the full article here!

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