Tea Time in the Garden

If you live in the North it is hard to imagine having tea in the garden right now…because…well…it’s frosty and rainy outside.

But…it’s okay to dream about warmer weather and maybe this post will get your imagination started...it’s just for fun…pretty pictures…and I hope…food for your soul.

I’ll also share a few photography lessons I learned along the way…you can skip that part if you just want to enjoy the images!

Last summer I gathered a few vintage treasures and set up a mini vignette for an outdoor photoshoot.

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The sun was very bright that day and created a strong contrast between light and shadow.

In an attempt to soften the light, I arranged a large filter to block some of the sun.

You can see it was VERY professional…filter leaning on a bench and held in place with a wooden box! Whatever works right?!

The filter softened the light but it also took dimension away from the objects. Although the compositions are pretty good…the images seem a bit flat. What do you think?

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I could edit these photos in Photoshop or Lightroom and add highlights back into the photographs…but…for now they will stay “as is”.

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Chasing the light is a real thing…it can take an image from meh to WOW…if you are watching…and if you can catch it!

A lesson I continue to learn.

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Observing light is a valuable and interesting pastime…watching shadows creep across a room…or see the sunlight engulf a bouquet of flowers in the late afternoon. It’s fascinating to watch….and…it will take your breath away when it’s just right!

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Take a minute this week, fill your favorite cup with tea…and watch the light…

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“Tea time is a chance to slow down, pull back and appreciate our surroundings.” – Letitia Baldrige

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