Made on 23rd

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Spring Garden Tour - April

If you have been following Made on 23rd for a while you know that my husband and I take a “garden tour” most mornings with coffee in hand. First we exercise…then we tour. It is one of the highlights of my day…especially this time of year…plants are emerging from the ground and changing at such a rapid pace it feels like they are growing right before my eyes.

The “tour” is a good way to feel connected to nature and our environment. It is a few moments in the day that are simply about enjoying…looking…discovering…and finding delight in the evolution of the plants.

Raindrops on Rhododendrons

“A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust.” ~Gertrude Jekyll




Bleeding Hearts

Cherry Tree


Cabbage and Bok Choy

Tiny Tomatoes

“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feel not just the body, but the soul.” ~Alfred Austin, Growing with the Seasons

If you are not already “touring” your backyard…I encourage you to take a few minutes and walk around…look carefully…even weeds have details that you may discover are beautiful!

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