Made on 23rd

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Featured Artist: Carol Sultz

We are so pleased to feature photographer Carol Sultz this week on our blog. Carol speaks about finding her "tribe" on Instagram and that is exactly where I found her. We have a mutual interest in beautiful flowers and photography and I know you will enjoy her style and images. Welcome Carol....aka Caz 

Thank you Deb for the invitation to be featured artist on your blog . I was thrilled to be asked, and then that made me think. I had never considered myself as an artist before! I have always had a love for flowers and nature, but never considered myself as very creative. When I received a DSLR about ten years ago, it triggered something in me and I loved how I could capture my beloved flowers, and then use my computer to edit them!

I particularly love using vintage props, especially my collection of English teacups. I also love Made on 23rd’s collection of beautiful fabrics and they feature quite often in my photos as I love the softness they add. 

I recently got back from a dream trip to Italy, and wanted to share one of the photos I took, flower in the foreground, of course!

Find me on Instagram @caz2518 and I also moderate a hashtag #floral_faffery, please join in, I would love to see you there.